A message to a special someone:
أغفر لك حتى ولو كنت غير نادم ، وحتى لا تستحقها.
3 more days to Cl exams... supposedly no wan cheng ju zi and tian xie han zi ( creating setences and filling in the blanks)... so should be okay i guess.
English: I didnt know what rapacious meant. I put hungry.
I HATEScience: Couldnt balance one eqn...
Cl compo: Can you believe the topic for si han (letter writing)is on Ris Low? =.=. It was, well, not really boomz.
History: Didnt know what the SBQs were about. Whats with the far east info? Singapore pls!
I have no idea whether its a lack of preparation( i dont think so), me being intellectually challenged (maybe) or the setters were really evil(definitely).
Im gonna go ballistic after exams are over :D
YAy! הללויה!